Dear Diary,
I am just so excited I can't sleep even though it is late and I should be tired. I finally start my new job at the advertising agency tomorrow and I just can't wait.
To say that it is the job I have always wanted would be inaccurate as between the ages of 9 and 11 inclusively I was dead-set of either fighting or starting fires or a living. But being in the field of advertising has been a goal for the last few years and this is so amazing to land this position.
I want to show them all of my amazing ideas one day for the next 10 days. On the 11th day, I will take a break and hopefully someone will suggest we go for a coffee or a game of bowling, before resuming my one-a-day idea sharing until I am either out of ideas or the apocalypse begins- either way really as I am prepared for both scenarios.
I will show them that I am a team player. I will prove to them I am a difference maker. I will show up at work and carrying out the exact roles and responsibilities that they expressly stated and made clear in the interview and had me agree me in no fewer than ten spots.
I will also provide freshly baked scones every third Thursday with the possibility of blueberry jam as well.
I'm sure they will all love me and may even spontaneously hug me or offer me the opportunity to hug them or at least sit next to them, on a trial basis, at the lunch table the very first day.
Then again maybe they will discover that I slightly exaggerated my skills and experience during the interview where I got a bit carried away. I wanted to impress them so badly; it's not my fault! I have a history, as you are well aware of diary, for getting carried away once by what I initially thought was a grizzly bear, but it turned out to be my father wearing a large new brown sweater and matching hat.
For the first few weeks I need to strike a balance between confident overachiever and blubbery-at-the-drop-of-a-hat hiree given the job only to make the other employees feel better about themselves in comparison.
I need to march in to the office every morning and announce my presence and then maintain that level of presence for as many hours as my vocal chords and abs will allow. I need to both suck up to my veritable murderer's row of bloodthirsty managers as well as both literally and figuratively rubbing the toes and bunions of the office staff.
I trust your judgement completely, diary, and I am all ears which I'm sure a diary like you is aware is an expression and if you are not, considerably fewer ears.
As you know, I use expressions and figures of speech when a bit anxious and I am quite anxious right now.
I need to do well. I need this job to work! And yes, I know that no matter how many dishes of fried rice or packages of rice paper or hats specifically intended for rice farmers I provide or how many unprompted breakdancing demos I perform at some point I will be judged solely on the projects I create and the money I bring in for the firm.
Wish me well, diary!
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