I used to be the
healthy guy.
You remember that guy – watched what I ate, didn’t smoke,
rarely drank and was always exercising.
Not that I was the only person like that, but I remember
routinely standing out as different, whether at work, at social events, at
parties or even among fellow athletes I competed with and against.
At work I’d always receive comments about how healthy my lunch
was and conversations typically revolved around how no one else had time for
exercise what with their busy schedules and how nice it must be for me to stay
fit when the rest of them had absolutely no time.
At social events, others would be devouring excessive amounts of chicken wings or
meatballs or pork ribs all the while sounding completely shocked that someone
could survive or exist in this day and age who ate a mostly vegetarian diet
(I’m a proud pescetarian, to be exact). The fact that my parents didn't let me eat sugar (not totally true, but not completely false either) and that I was the only one who didn't want the hamburgers being served at a dinner event stunned my friends.
At parties, if I went at all, I was the “lightweight”, the
designated driver, the one who had to get up early for a tournament or a
workout the next morning which meant for long evenings of nursing a few drinks
while others drank and smoked as if there was no tomorrow. Not that I didn't partake, but partying had to fit into the rest of my life and not the other way around.
Not that I was an angel (no one has ever made that
comparison) – I had, and continue to have, my vices – chocolate, cheese, and
ice cream to name three and, back in my earlier days, I consumed an incredible
amount of carbs (almost as if they were soon to be going out of style, which
they did). And not that all others were unhealthy, hard-partying gluttons, but I
definitely made a name for myself as the healthy guy.
And, I won’t lie, I loved that distinction.
Sure it was frustrating walking up to a buffet at a
tournament and seeing only meat dishes. And sure it was annoying having only one
option on a menu (fish and chips) at many restaurants. And sure it wasn’t fun
being made to feel weird or odd or different for the choices I was making that,
in my mind, weren’t that weird or odd or different. It was exhausting to always
have to explain to others why I didn’t eat meat and why I, alone, didn’t eat or
drink the overly processed or high in sugar or salt foods and beverages that
everyone else seemed to be enjoying. Again, not that I didn’t indulge, but I
was the healthy guy.
Back then, and to this day, I believed in balance and that
everything in moderation was always better than some sort of crazy diet. I always felt that totally depriving myself of something I loved wasn’t the answer. So although I seemed that there was so much I didn't eat and that I exercised a lot, I really felt that I was striking a great balance and I was happy.
But, times they are a changin’. Gone are the days where
living a healthy lifestyle is considered unique. These days seemingly everyone
is paying a lot more attention to living well. This is a great development. It is exciting to see friends and acquaintances become fitter and
happier. It is great to show up at a potluck dinner and be able to sample
almost everything without a guilty conscience. It is wonderful to see parks and
playgrounds and beaches packed full of people running around and enjoying the
West Coast lifestyle.
But, in my mind, the news isn’t all good. Everywhere I go, I see people who are downright fanatical about diet and exercise. I feel that there is so much more of a focus right now on healthy
eating and living than ever before in my 45 year lifetime (my memory is a little hazy of my first few years). There is so much focus that I
would describe what we are experiencing as not completely healthy. Everywhere
you turn, we are being inundated with more and more and more about how to be as
healthy as humanly possible. I personally find it tough being a healthy guy in
these health-crazed times in which we live. It’s
no longer satisfactory to just be healthy as the pressure is on to leave no
stone unturned, to eliminate every “evil” vice and to be doing crunches in your
spare time.
Because if you aren't, you know the person next to you is and they are tweeting about it.
Because if you aren't, you know the person next to you is and they are tweeting about it.
So many people are watching with super-vigilant detail exactly what
they put in their body, monitoring every step, counting every calorie (“there
are no free calories” a very thin lady at work said to me the other day while
eating her lunch of celery sticks and baby carrots), weighing themselves daily,
and using Apps to obsessively track all exercise. Again, many of those things
are great, if approached with a somewhat relaxed nature, but the obsession I
see and hear on a daily basis is starting to mess with me and I won't stand for that, not on my watch.
And yet, these others seem really happy.
They do.
Happier, in fact, than they have seemed in years. They are
lighter, wearing slimmer clothes, demonstrating a boost in self-image and
basking in all of the positive comments they justifiably receive on a regular
basis. They do look good in that shirt. And, yes, they are literally glowing. And
I am happy for them, I am. But, it is starting to drive me crazy. Where conversations around the lunch table used to avoid
the topics of exercise and diet as if they were taboo, those topics now
infiltrate every single social interaction to the point where it makes me want
to scream.
Throughout the day, every day, I hear people saying the
following statements that a few years ago I never heard:
“I need to get my
steps in”
“I’ll have a couple but only because I went to the gym this
“No thanks, no carbs for me today”
“I’ll pass – my weigh in is tomorrow morning”
“I’m really
watching my calories”
“I’m just starting another cleanse.”
Gone are the days where I can enjoy my lunch (usually quite
healthy) without feeling assaulted by their comments regarding the new diet, the
new food items being excluded, the new self-imposed restrictions when it comes
to eating. And on those days I bring some leftover pizza (I know! Gasp! I still
eat pizza!) I am aware of all of the looks I get that fall into
two categories: doe-eyed longing and head-shaking disapproval.
Not that I’m being competitive, but wherever I turn someone
else is eating supposedly healthier than I am and that causes me to stop and
think and question my choices. Am I doing all I can do to be healthy?
Could/should I attempt to lose weight? Is giving in to my food desires still
okay? Do I look good in my shirt? It is so hard not to dwell on these thoughts
as these topics are on a constant endless reel-to-reel playing each day.
Everywhere I look someone new has recently stopped eating
gluten or dairy or sugar or rice or potatoes or fruit with a high glycemic
index or highly acidic foods or anything processed in anyway and so on and so
on and so on. Nothing is safe anymore! That’s right, you heard me! Even you
kale and broccoli and spinach – watch out, you could be next! No food is
perfect. There is something wrong with everything.
Wherever I turn someone else is exercising harder and more
frequently than I am and that causes me to stop and think and wonder if I am
doing enough. Everyone one and their dog is “hitting the gym” on a daily basis
or going to a boot camp or walking everywhere
or tracking workouts on a detailed spreadsheet that is linked on all of their
devices. Taking a day off? What’s wrong with you? Going home to sit on the
couch when you could be doing crunches or lunges or burpees? Why do a 30 minute
jog when you could do two hours of cardio followed by another hour of weights followed
by a bike ride home followed by squats all evening in front of the TV? Tired? Too bad! Drop and give me twenty if you want your flax seed, dairy-free, grain-free organic smoothie.
In case you can’t tell, I don’t agree with this heightened
sensitivity as a society at all. Yes, we should eat well and be healthy, and
yes, we should be active and care about fitness, but I see so many people
developing what seems like mental health issues of obsessiveness and compulsion
and anxiety regarding food and exercise. And, while comfortable and confident
with who I am (mostly most of the time), it is just so hard on my own mental
health to be surrounded by people who are constantly consumed with their own health.
Now I know that I am seen by others as a bit of an exercise
fanatic and I know I am seen by others as someone who really watches what they
eat, and I am both of those things. But I also believe that I have discovered a
happy balance in life, where I can exercise a few days a week and totally kick
back on the others. Where I balance my own activities, with activities for my
family and where I use my free time to exercise as well as write, cook and read. Where I can enjoy veggies and greens and wild fish and then melt cheese
all over some noodles, enjoy some homemade chocolate chip cookies and devour a
bagel covered with cream cheese and smoked salmon.
A colleague once said a very telling thing that I believe
captures this entire crazed times we are in. He said “nothing tastes as a good
as skinny feels.” Yes it feels good to look good and to be able to stand confidently
and proudly in front of a mirror or a room of people or on the beach (don't bring a mirror to the beach, people will stare). But, the
goal shouldn’t be skinny; the goal should be healthy. And one shouldn’t be forcing
themselves to exercise and denying themselves food items because they are
leading too crazed an existence because they believe that is the path towards
There are fine lines in life – many of them – and there are
some really important ones here. Mental health is as important as physical
health. Eating what you love is as important as eating well. Exercise is as
important as allowing your body to rest. Moderation is the goal, not exclusion.
I used to be the healthy
The different one with the weird eating habits who was always off to a
workout. I’m still that same guy (albeit, an older, more wrinkled version), but
the world has changed around me. I no longer stand out, and that is great – the
changes to society are so positive up to a point. I just don’t love the extreme
focus on being as healthy as humanly possible all the time and I hate that it makes me second guess what I'm doing. I don't think it's entirely healthy and it sort of drives me crazy. I hope that things
will correct back to a happy, middle ground at some point soon where we can
have our cake and eat it too (and go to the gym tomorrow).
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