wondering why he's running late this time hoping I haven't been forgotten or left out like that time late last summer or was it early fall when I sat there for what seemed like hours in the blazing sun without my hat because I lent it to my girlfriend right before she decided to move far away forever instantly converting her into an ex-girlfriend
a hat thief in that order and I got quite the sunburn sitting on that bench without my hat while my quote unquote friend was at the beach or the park or an identical bench a few blocks away because he made what he claims was an honest mistake with where he thought we were meeting and I was told countless times not to take it personally
each time I tried as hard as I could but it was hard not to as how do you honestly forget someone really unless they were really forgettable or if you just had too much on your mind like if you were an important surgeon performing a complicated operation or if you had to remember lots and lots and lots of people
then you could be forgiven or excused if you missed just one but my buddy who is being downgraded into an acquaintance with each passing minute and car that doesn't have him in it has no excuse that I am aware of
now that I think of it he has never been all that great a friend as he is never there for me or here for me or even in the neighbourhood when I could use a hand or pair of hands depending on the circumstances and how many hands are needed
it is always all about him and even when it's not it's mostly about him to the point that it annoys and frustrates me and makes me wish I was somewhere else surrounded by people some of which will have curly hair and others will not
they not only care about me and laugh at my jokes and be genuinely interested in me and they wouldn't forget all about me forcing me to waste yet another afternoon sitting like a loser at the bench drinking a lemon soda that has not only turned lukewarm but reminded me to finally stop being cheap
just get my ice maker fixed especially considering my boss is coming over for a dinner of roasted chicken and he is not one for room temperature beverages unless at sea and I am trying to make a good impression so I can get that raise partially for the money but mostly as proof to my dad that I'm at least partially a success
I can't get over this warm drink in my hand and how it is just adding to my state of anger as well as exponentially increasing my perspiration and finally allowing me to work up the courage and desire to give my ride a piece of my mind because who does he think he is treating me like this
you know what he can forget about those tickets to that soldout show I promised him and I am so done with his sarcasm and perpetually unshaven look as well as that goatee that is aching to be taken seriously but doesn't quite get there although it does fit his personality which is not meant to be a compliment at all
I'm just going to get up now and go inside to leave a series of increasingly depressing voice messages for my ex-girlfriend that passive aggressively hint about my old hat without directly addressing it as I don't want to come across like that
then I'm going to sit back and wait to see if she ever calls about the hat or if he ever calls to say sorry about not meeting me then I can ignore them both for a while and then either exact my revenge on her and or treat him as if he was invisible sort of like what I'm experiencing right now
what do you know there he is.
I guess he was just running late as usual.
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